HMRC launches VAT Registration Estimator
HMRC has launched a digital tool to help businesses estimate what registering for VAT may mean for them.
The VAT Registration Estimator helps to show businesses when their turnover could require them to register for VAT and its effect on profits.
The King’s Speech
Amongst other matters, in the first King’s Speech since Labour’s victory in the General Election, the government pledged to:
Reform the Apprenticeship Levy.
Remove the VAT exemption for private school fees.
HMRC error means some self-employed workers could lose out on state pension
An HMRC error could mean that some low-income, self-employed workers lose out on their entitlement to National Insurance-related benefits like the state pension.
HMRC clarifies tax rules for work from home commuting
HMRC has updated guidance on when tax relief is available on travel expenses for staff who work from home.
HMRC launches online voluntary NICs payment service
HMRC has launched a new online voluntary NICs payment service
Latest guidance for employers
HMRC has published the latest issue of the Employer Bulletin. The March issue has information on various topics
Employment law updates in 2024 - Are you prepared?
Expert advice relating to employment law changes in 2024: family friendly rights, protection from redundancy, paternity leave changes, flexible working, increased compensation, rates of pay, holiday and holiday pay, TUPE changes, employers’ mandatory duty on sexual harassment prevention, proposed legislation and recommendations.
Research & Development tax relief guidance
HMRC’s new guidance on Research and Development (R&D) tax relief 'could be clearer', according to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
NICs cut in the Spring Budget
The rates for NICs will be cut by two percentage points for both employees and the self-employed from 6 April 2024.
HMRC’s Reversal of Helpline Closures
HMRC have decided to halt its plans to restrict taxpayer helplines and instead direct people to online services
A Summary of the Spring Statement 2024
The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Spring Statement to Parliament on 6 March 2024. Key announcements that may interest or impact some of our clients are details in the following article.
Double-cab pickups go back to being vans as guidance reversed
Double-cab pickups will continue to be treated as goods vehicles rather than cars for tax purposes and the tax on benefits in kind will not increase when employers provide these vehicles to their employees.
HMRC warns self assessment taxpayers as scam referrals rise
HMRC is warning people to be wary of bogus tax refund offers following the self assessment deadline on 31 January.
Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTD for ITSA) for Sole Traders and Landlords
HMRC has published guidance on the Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTD for ITSA) requirements for sole traders and landlords.
HMRC sends warning to cryptoasset users
HMRC sends warning to cryptoasset users
As the use of cryptoassets continues to grow HMRC is warning people to check if they need to complete a self assessment tax return each year to avoid potential penalties.
Deadline to file 2022/23 self assessment tax returns
The clock is ticking for clients yet to file their tax return by 31 January 2024. Don’t put it off, kick start the new year by finalising your self assessment.
HMRC updates off payroll compliance guidance
HMRC recently updated its guidance on off payroll working compliance for employers.
The new guidance sets out 'practical steps' for organisations to follow.
Spring Budget 2024 date confirmed for 6 March
The government has confirmed that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will deliver the 2024 Spring Budget on 6 March.
It could be the last chance for the government to announce significant changes to tax policy before the general election.
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We can probably answer it. The best thing to do is to get in touch with us as soon as possible.