National Insurance Contributions deadline date - 5 April 2025.
Are you on target to receive full state pension when you retire?
You may recall our news article on 6 July on this subject:
Are you on target to receive full state pension when you retire?
And follow up message: ·
HMRC extends the deadline for state pension top ups to the 5 April 2025
Here is another reminder of the National Insurance Contributions Deadline:
People have until 5 April 2025 to maximise their state pension by making voluntary National Insurance contributions (NICs) to fill any gaps in their NICs record between 6 April 2006 and 5 April 2018.
The service enables people to check if they have gaps in their NICs record, calculate if making a payment would increase their state pension, and then make a payment if they wish to do so.
After the 5 April 2025 deadline, people will only be able to make voluntary contributions for the previous six tax years, in line with normal time limits.
If you wish to make top up contributions, or ask for further information on your state pension, you can contact:
The Future Pension Centre
0800 731 0175
Don't miss out on this opportunity—plan ahead! If you require any additional assistance, please do give one of our team a call to discuss this further.
#NICs #TaxUpdate #StatePension